Saturday, March 2, 2013

Stella McCartney Advised Christopher Kane To Sign PPR Deal

CHRISTOPHER KANE turned to Stella McCartney for advice ahead of selling a majority stake in his eponymous label to PPR in January. McCartney signed an acquisition deal with the luxury conglomerate in 2001.

"I know some people will wonder why we sold a majority share," said Christopher Kane. "But looking at PPR's history of nurturing the creative as well as the commercial side, and talking to Stella, who said 'go for it', it seemed right. There's freedom within a framework. We need that infrastructure. I don't have ultimate control and if it ever goes wrong… but it's not going to go wrong."

The next step for the British brand is to hire a CEO, so that Tammy - Christopher Kane's sister, who is known for overseeing the business side of the company - can dedicate more time to her role as creative director. A London store opening and a website launch is in the pipeline, as well as a new accessories line.

"We're also surprised sometimes that we made it this far," Tammy Kane told The Telegraph. "There were times when there was no money in the bank and we'd be hammering things ourselves into clothes the night before a show thinking: 'What the hell are we doing?'"

ELLA ALEXANDER | FEBRUARY 20, 2013 | Article Link

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