Saturday, March 2, 2013

David Gandy Shows Support for International Women’s Day

DAVID GANDY will show his support for this year's International Women's Day action on March 8, by participating in a panel discussion at the Women: Inspiration & Enterprise's annual symposium. The famous model and contributor will join political aide Alastair Campbell, designer Ozwald Boateng and Capital London radio presenter Dave Berry to talk about how men communicate in business. WIE creator June Sarpong and WIE contributor Margherita Taylor urged Gandy to take part.

"I hugely respect both Margherita and June and they inspire me with the projects and events they are involved in and their drive," said Gandy. "So of course, I jumped at the chance of joining the other people on the panel and supporting WIE."

The WIE event, which will be held at the Hospital Club, will bring leading names from politics, fashion, business and entertainment together to hold a series of talks and workshops to help inspire and empower women. Tickets are available now from and cost £250 per person.

"I'm really interested to hear the panel's stories of how they have become successful in their field," added Gandy. "Whenever people share their experiences you learn a lot - something that may resonate with you or inspire you.  There are many women in my industry who have built fantastic careers in modelling and continue to do so. They inspire me and I've learnt a lot by observing them and admiring what they have achieved. Hopefully, between us as a panel, we will be able to share things which may be of interest to the people in the audience or help them in the future."

ELLA ALEXANDER | February 27, 2013 | Article Link

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